Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Where's that 40' x 40' studio I requested?

I recently purchased a die cutting machine. It's going to be great and save a lot of time once it's set up. Unfortunately, it's a bit larger than I'd expected, so I've been spending the last few days purging my office/studio of the piles that have built up since the last purge in 2007. It's amazing what accumulates if you don't keep an eye on things.

On a positive note - aside from the new die cutter - I did find quite a few single cards, one-offs, discontinued items, experiments, etc. Over the next few days I'm going to post most of them over in my Etsy shop as sale items.

Now to find just a bit more space.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

It's amazing what color and a perspective shift can do

I posted a new set of cards over in my Etsy shop. Called “Wave hello”, I think it's amazing what putting a very similar cut pattern on a different color and lying it horizontal instead of vertical does to the image. Suddenly what looked like a creature from the deep now looks like the deep (water that is).

Dare not speak its name

More fun with security envelope patterns. I just posted this new card over in my Etsy store. Done freehand, using an exacto knife, the pattern came out very cthulu-esque. Does a message written in a cthulu greeting card need to make sense?

Friday, June 19, 2009

Dragonfly fire challenge

I've been working feverishly on a couple of projects this last week and have not had time to post anything. But, happily, today after a few minor projects get done I'll be able to dig out my office and find out what color my desktop counter is.

Although I can't go into details as the project isn't done yet, a recent challenge presented itself - combine "fire" and "dragonfly" in interesting ways. Here is one illustration I came up with.

(The actual dragonfly is from Awardik, iStockphoto. The rest is me.)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Black and red all over - small boxes

I've just posted a third in my series of small boxes over in my Etsy store. This one was a lot of fun because I took a craft that to me feels very earthy and of the pioneer spirit - weaving and made a pretty gothic-feeling box. Again, it comes back to that idea of combining elements in unexpected ways.

I do love going back and forth between the darker, gothic, snarky side of my personality and the natural, earthy, save-the-environment side. Sometimes it feels like a boxing match, waiting to see who will win today.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Yart Sale at Corbae

June 10th - 14th

All purchases made in Corbae’s Etsy store from June 10th through the 14th will receive free U.S. shipping.

And be sure to check out sales Etsy-wide. Many shops will be participating in the annual Yart Sale with specials and discounts.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Leaf - tree - vine - small boxes

I've just posted the second in a series of small boxes I've been working on over in my Etsy store. As June is taking hold around here, and all the trees are finally in full leaf, I'm more and more inspired by trees and green of late. This box reflects that inspiration, with natural colors and textures and an impression of a vine.

I love summer in the Pacific Northwest!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Repeating patterns - small boxes

I've posted a new, small keepsake box over in my Etsy store.

I've been having a lot of fun creating smaller boxes, and using up the piles of my small pieces of matboard. The smaller boxes definitely take more concentration to get the smaller corners and bits to fit together correctly. But when they're done, I love coming up with lists of items that would fit in them.

This particular box uses a repeating pattern in different materials, which ties the many shades o' blue together.

Watch for more small boxes to show up over the next couple of weeks.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Political papercraft

Over on BoingBoing, Cory Doctorow (brilliant author - highly recommend his books) has posted an excellent use of papercraft in politics by the Chicago Tribune. I'm having one of those, "I wish I'd thought of that" moments.

From BoingBoing, "...the Chicago Tribune has created this Sen. Roland Burris (D-IL) 'Pinocchio' pdf with real Nose Grows with Lies action!"

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

One of us

I've never been much of a joiner, but late last week I joined an Etsy team - EtsyRAIN. EtsyRAIN members are joined by location, not by product. Located in the Puget Sound area / greater Seattle area, there are well over 600 members - all selling on Etsy and all in the Seattle area. Wow!

If you're in the Seattle area and want to buy local, add "team etsyrain" to your search criteria when puttering around on Etsy. And watch for EtsyRAIN members at your local arts and crafts fairs.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Plait present pockets

Who doesn't love alliteration? I've posted a new product over in my Etsy store just in time for all that grad and dad gift-giving. Upcycled and recyclable, these completely unique envelopes are perfect for small gifts. I'm thinking of posting instructions for them. Of course, I need to write the instructions first. If you're interested in instructions, email me at info [at] corbaecreative.com.